Monday, January 24, 2011

New Dress

Hi! Just wanted to show off my new dress :) Isn't it lovely? Especially I love the back of it.
I hope you guys had a great and relaxing weekend. All Sunday I spent looking for home decorations, not that I was very successful at it but at least I've got few of the things I needed for home :)
Anyways, I'm wishing you a great week!

Привет! Просто хочу показать моё новое платье :) Особенно мне нравится как оно выглядит сзади.
Надеюсь, что в выходные вам удалось отдохнуть и набраться сил на новую неделю. Всё воскресенье я провела в поисках различных штучек для дома. Не то чтобы я в этом очень преуспела, но кое-что найти смогла :)
Желаю всем удачной недели!


  1. Nice dress :) !!
    Thanks for your comment :) Hope to see you again on my blog

  2. Thank you, Laura! I definitely will visit your blog again ;)

  3. AnonymousJune 09, 2011

    Hi Elena, I love your blog, you look fab in all the pics and your style is somthing to die for. It would be nice to know what you are wearing. thanks :)

  4. Thank you very much for the nice words! At the beginning I was thinking of writing down the labels of clothes I'm wearing but then I decided that it's not that important. I sometimes leave the names of brands I'm wearing in the "Labels". If you would like to know the name of a particular piece of clothes/accessories, just ask me, I'll be happy to answer :)

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