Sunday, July 31, 2011

Z is for Zebra

Hello, lovelies :) I own a bunch of stripy tops and shirts and every time I see a new stripy item, I feel like I desperately need it. I honestly think that stripes are one of those all-time classics, and they have that so sought after effortless chic effect no matter where you are - relaxing at the beach or strolling down the streets of your town. 
Bunny and I watched "Midnight in Paris" this weekend, and we both loved it. It's a fun and romantic movie. After watching it, I realized how much I miss Paris, and how much I would love to go there :)
Enjoy your Sunday! See you next week :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shooting Stars

When I saw this top through a window store, I knew I must have it :) One of those items that I fell in love with right away. Ideally I would pair it with leather pants and a blazer but in this hot weather denim shorts would be a better choice.  Don't mind my burnt shoulders, on the very first day I forgot to put sunscreen on :D I hope you guys are having a great day wherever you are :) xoxo

Как только я увидела эту майку в витрине магазине, сразу поняла, что я обязана её купить :) Одна из тех вещей, в которую влюбляешься с первого взгляда. В идеале я бы её носила с кожаными брюками и пидажаком, но в такую жару джинсовые шорты будут всё-таки более уместны. Не обращайте внимания на мои обгоревшие на солнце плечи, забыла в первый день намазаться солнцезащитным кремом :D Всем удачного дня, независимо от того, где вы находитесь :) хохо

Friday, July 22, 2011

It's Me & You Suite

Looking at these pictures makes me smile :) A beautiful sunset on the beach with Bunny and our friends, I couldn't ask for more. I'm back home now and want to go there again so badly! 
I hope you guys had a successful week and ready for the weekend :) Talk to you soon! xoxo

Смотрю на эти фотографии и улыбаюсь :) Красивый закат на берегу океана с Банни и друзьями, что ещё нужно для счастья? Сейчас я уже дома, и так хочется вернуться обратно!
Надеюсь, что неделя была успешной, и все готовы к выходным :) До связи! хохо

Monday, July 18, 2011

Life By The Sea

I absolutely love waking up to the sound of ocean. I instantly get this I'm-on-vacation feeling, and I couldn't be happier. Catching waves with Bunny is one of the most craziest and fun things to do. Though I get totally knocked down by the waves sometimes :D I hope you guys are having lots of fun this summer! xoxo

Люблю просыпаться под шум волн океана. Сразу понимаешь, что ты на отдыхе, и это радует бесконечно. Самое клёвое и сумасшедшее занятие на отдыхе - ловить океанские волны вместе с Банни. Меня, правда, волна частенько накрывает и беспощадно тащит по дну к берегу :D Но мне всё равно нравится! Надеюсь, что и ваше лето проходит весело и радостно! хохо

CHANEL Makeup Giveaway Winner!

Hello everyone! I honestly did not expect so many people would enter my giveaway, and I want to thank each one of you who took your time to leave a comment. Those of you who did not win this time, don't be upset as I will be hosting many more AMAZING giveaways on my blog! 
Well, it is time to announce my very first giveaway winner's name :) Are you ready??? 
And the winner is... Adriana Gastelum! Congratulations to Adriana! :)

Wishing you all a great week! xoxo

Friday, July 15, 2011


Sometimes it's nice to step aside from favorite summer brights and wear something neutral. A pair of heels adds a bit of glam to this casual minimalistic outfit. 
I need to finish some packing as Bunny and I are going to the beach today :) So excited about it! And I can't wait to get in the water and catch waves, to run along the beach and find some seashells :) 

There is still time left to enter CHANEL MAKEUP GIVEAWAY, for those of you who did not enter, please feel free to do so :) The winner will be announced on Monday, July 18.

Also, I received One Lovely Blogger Award from two of my followers but I'll write about this in my next post. Thank you, Corrine and Valerie! :)

I'm wishing you all a wonderful and enjoyable weekend! xoxo

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


A beautiful summer evening spent with Bunny sitting outside, talking about everything and sipping our favorite iced drinks. I love such evenings endlessly :) By the way, I've got this adorable Hello Kitty nail polish (Blueberry), I'm so in love with it, it even matches my tank top :D I hope you guys are having a wonderful week! xoxo

Красивый летний вечер c любимым человечком, сидели и болтали  обо всём, с нашими любимыми "старбаковскими" напитками. Бесконечно люблю такие вечера :) Кстати, в воскресенье купила лак для ногтей Hello Kitty, цвет называется Bluberry, он мне таааааак нравится, так нравится :D Я надеюсь, что неделя у вас у всех проходит на отлично! хохо

Monday, July 11, 2011


In the last post I promised a lovely giveaway to my readers. And here it is - worldwide CHANEL makeup giveaway. I would like to note that these are full size products, not testers. And this beautiful set will be send to one of you :) It includes:
- Joues Contraste Powder Blush - 68 Rose Ecrin (from the Fall 2011 make-up collection).
- Le Vernis Nail Colour - 167 Ballerina.
- Inimitable Intense Mascara - 10 Noir.
- Levres Scintillantes Glossimier - 139 Futile.

In order to participate in giveaway you will need to:

1. Follow Classy & Fabulous through Google Friend Connect.
2. Follow Classy & Fabulous on Bloglovin.
3. Leave a comment with your name and e-mail address so I can contact you in case you win.

The giveaway will be open until July 17 (Sunday), 11:59 Eastern Time. The winner will be chosen on RANDOM.ORG and will be announced on July 18, 2011. Good luck to all of you! Many kisses :)

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Blue Top & White Shorts

Wearing a simple summer outfit - bright tank top and white shorts. Since it wasn't too sunny, I didn't wear a hat. As one of my friends said: "I recognize you in a crowd by your hats." :D This ZARA clutch-messanger bag is one of my favorites this summer, I carry it everywhere.
My dear readers, I wanted to let you know that a LOVELY GIVEAWAY is coming. Stay tuned! :)


Monday, July 04, 2011

After The Rain

Hi guys! I spent Sunday staying home and watching movies all day because it was ridiculously hot outside :D The good thing was that in the evening there was a huge thunderstorm, and after it stopped raining, Bunny and I got outside to get some fresh air and take some pictures. I love the way the air smells after the rain, and everything is so clean and fresh :)
Have a great Monday and happy 4th of July! xoxo

Привет, братцы-кролики :) Всё воскресенье сидела дома и смотрела фильмы, и все потому что на улице было ужасно жарко :D Зато вечером была страшная-ужасная гроза, и когда закончился дождь, мы с Банни пошли на улицу подышать свежим воздухом. Как же мне нравится как пахнет воздух после дождя, и всё вокруг умытое и свежее :)
Всем удачного понедельника!  хохо

Friday, July 01, 2011

Cherchez la Femme!

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's weekend already!!! We are having long weekend in the US since it's 4th of July holiday :)
This leopard shirt from ZARA was love at first sight :) I've never been a fan of animal prints but I decided to give it a try. Hat and red lipstick added certain drama to this look :)
Wishing you guys an awesome weekend! xoxo

Всем привет! Совсем не верится, что уже выходные!!! Здесь, в Америке, выходные будут на 1 день подлиннее, так как 4 июля - День Независимости :)
Вот в эту рубашку из ZARA я влюбилась с первого взгляда :) Никогда раньше не замечала у себя любви к таким вот расцветкам, а тут решила попробовать. Шляпа и красная помада сделали своё дело и добавили, так сказать, немного драмы :)
Желаю вам всем отличных выходных!!! хохо